For our final update of 2020, I’m happy to share additional AWS services analyzed by k9, a service support matrix & roadmap, and a little CloudSec comic relief.

Service analysis additions

k9 now supports analyzing three more services:

With this coverage, k9 now supports 12 AWS security and data services with a total of 564 API actions:

k9 AWS Service Analysis Summary Table

Some of those API actions map to more than one k9 access capability so there are 578 action to capability mappings. This often occurs with actions that delete a resource and the data in it. For example sqs:DeleteQueue and cloudtrail:DeleteTrail delete the messages and events in those resources along with the queue or trail.

k9 thinks about these classification problems and researches each API action so you can analyze your own access quickly and confidently.

Service Support Matrix & Roadmap

k9 reports access to an ever-growing set of AWS security, data, and compute services. The k9 supported service matrix helps customers understand k9’s current and planned coverage for AWS services and resources.

The next services scheduled for coverage on our roadmap are: Redshift, Athena, Lambda, EC2, EMR, and Kinesis.

If a service that is important to you is not on our roadmap, please let us know. We’d love to understand your use cases and urgency so that we can prioritize coverage on the roadmap.


To help us all have a little fun with the challenge of cloud security, k9 Security has launched the #HeckinIAM meme. You can find them on:

Here’s an example IAM is hard:

(But we’re making it better)

These images are safe for work and accompanied by educational content on Twitter (@k9securityio). We hope you enjoy and use them!

k9 Security wishes you a happy and safe New Year.


Founder, k9 Security