Even with the best intentions and efforts, breaches happen and may seem impossible to prevent — especially when you’re delivering 10 changes to production every month, week, or day.

In the Mission Impossible: DevSecOps talk at Big Mountain Data & Dev on October 22, 2020, we uncovered the major problems teams experience when integrating information security into continuous delivery processes (spoiler: it’s not ‘human error’) and the common solutions to those problems you can apply with your teams. This presentation was tailored for the Big Data audience.

Learn how and why the best practice for securing data differs between traditional data centers and the Cloud. Understanding these differences is critical to building safety into new deployments.

We synthesize all this and show how Cloud teams integrate security into delivery processes to create feedback loops that manage risks effectively. Designing security controls so they (actually) collect and incorporate information feedback is critical to realizing effective security control processes.

