k9 Security

k9 Security protects data by helping Cloud engineers understand and improve AWS security policies.

Unlike many security tools, k9 puts actionable information, policy automation tools, and robust processes in the hands of Cloud and DevOps engineers who craft policies.

Product Summary

k9 simplifies the AWS security model so the entire team understands the effects of policies and can adopt security best practices with k9’s secure automation tools. Think about and control access at a higher level: delete-data and administer-resource, not rds:DeleteDBCluster. Identify and manage Information Security risks efficiently with k9 Security SaaS and support.

Audit Access

Who has access to our data in AWS?

k9 answers this difficult question simply. Engineers and auditors use this information to verify security policies function as intended.  Delivered daily for analysis on your schedule as Excel for people and JSON for tools.


Improve Security

How do we create secure policies – quickly?

Engineers actually improve security policies and protect data with automation tools and expert guidance that accelerates delivery.

Learn how k9 works.

Fortune 1000 Data Breach Impacts

About Us

k9 Security helps organizations using the Cloud improve security and manage risks to the organization and its customers.

Years of secure AWS migration consulting experience and customer conversations taught us real information security is too hard and expensive for most teams. We are fixing that.

Stephen Kuenzli, Founder (bio)