CIEM Adoption Market Research Brief

Updated May 2024

CIEM is a process and your workflow is a touchpoint

Products across the industry are integrating cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) into their workflows. k9 Security examined companies targeting Enterprise customers across 12 categories and identified which companies also had a CIEM product in their portfolio (May 2024).

In our first round of research conducted in May of 2023, we found that companies with Enterprise security offerings in adjacent categories offer CIEM capabilities in their portfolio 21-88% of the time (depending on the category).

We updated and expanded our research of the current trends of CIEM adoption in the Cloud Security market in May 2024. This update covers 141 companies across 12 categories. In this survey, k9 found that 64 of 141 tracked companies now have CIEM capabilities (45%).

Here are our top takeaways:

  • CIEM adoption is increasing in products & solutions across the cloud security market and is an integral part of new categories like DSPM.
  • CIEM adoption is shifting left from SecOps-focused products focused to cloud and data protection, confirming its wide applicability.
  • Some large enterprise CNAPPs have solidified their CIEM offerings and are partnering with other companies to provide CIEM capabilities.
  • XDR, CNAPP, CWPP, CSPM, DSPM are all above 85% adoption.
  • These companies are building workflows that show and review effective permissions, identify excess permissions, and more.

Discover your category’s CIEM adoption trend in the market research brief