AWS Security Policy Overhaul

Secure your foundation for growth

Growing your Cloud applications into new markets?  Grow safely by overhauling your security policy foundation to satisfy new customer expectations and regulations.

Many organizations operate in the AWS cloud with excess permissions granted by loose IAM and resource policies and unused IAM principals. These excess privileges create to an insecure posture.  Accidental or malicious misuse of excess privileges may result in data exposure or loss.   They also put your reputation and next stage of growth into a new geography or market at risk.

Security policies often accrue permissions as applications and the organization changes.  IAM users and roles are created, then forgotten.  Often no one knows the exact reasons for a policy being what it is today or why an IAM principal exists.

Reduce these risks by overhauling your AWS account security configuration that eliminates unneeded IAM principals and adopts least privilege security policies that actually improve information security and comply with regulations.

If it’s time for an overhaul, k9 can help you.

Need an Overhaul?

Schedule a 1:1 session with an AWS Security expert to evaluate whether your AWS security policies need an overhaul


The k9 AWS IAM Overhaul service secures identities used by applications and people in your existing AWS cloud accounts to best practice and sets you up to maintain it successfully – as quickly as you want to go.

The overhaul helps you:

  • reduce information security risks by adopting a least privilege access control model
  • comply with strict data privacy and security regulations
  • accelerate Cloud engineering teams to security best practice and infrastructure as code
  • remediate security technical debt quickly and affordably

How it works

k9’s Cloud Security experts will analyze your existing security policy configurations (SCP, IAM, resource) and recent usage.  Next we will create least privilege security policies for IAM identities and cloud resources that protect your organization’s information and customers’ trust. Then we will work with your Cloud engineers to validate these policies and deploy them using Terraform or CDK/CloudFormation infrastructure code. This learning and automation moves your organization to the leading edge of security best practice and helps them stay there.  We will:

  • remove all inactive IAM users and roles
  • review access all IAM users and roles have to critical AWS service APIs and data sources
  • right-size permissions granted to IAM users and roles to what is necessary to perform the function
  • create or combine IAM principals as necessary to scope access properly
  • configure resource policies to limit access to critical data sources and encryption keys

These overhaul activities get done on your schedule.  An overhaul of an AWS account with 25 IAM roles and users should complete in one to two months, depending on how quickly you want to go.

Contact Us

Please contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.


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